
Love (And Loss) In The Time Of Corona

Celebrations of love continue in the time of Corona. Wedding vows pledged privately, ceremonies postponed for a later date. But what happens when a loved one takes their last breath? Customarily a time for comfort, casseroles, and closure.

A cruel twist of this unprecedented pandemic means not being able to say goodbye. Our Sangria Sister, Kyla Brennan, lost her brother two weeks ago. The heartache of being isolated from family is yet another terrible sign of the times.

Kyla’s story: 💔

As far as relatives go, siblings are unique. They are our allies, sparring partners, secret keepers, ass kickers, protectors, and unloseable friends. They’d never quip “I think I hear your mom calling” because that means they’d have to leave too.

My brother died March 15, 2020 after a brief (not COVID) illness.

I’ve already lost a parent, but a sibling is a different ball game. They have their own families; their spouse and children’s heartbreak magnifies your misery. It’s unexpectedly brutal. Now, what could possibly make this situation exponentially worse? You got it – the C word.

Corona means no funeral, no rituals, no hugs. I haven’t seen my 85-year-old mother since the day before he died. I’m cut off from my family in Edmonton as much as they are from each other. Thanks Alexander, for the phone – which we’ve stuck to because ugly crying is too truthful for Facetime.

Will we get through? Absolutely. But it’s rough territory. The upside is my two young adult children are home with us, which is heavenly. We will have a Celebration of Life, on many levels, when this virus vamooses. And there will be comfort, though perhaps no handshakes.


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  1. Ken

    This is extraordinarily touching. Thanks for sharing Kyla. It reminds me how important my sister is to me too.

    My best to you.

  2. Joanne

    I was so sorry to hear of your loss, Kyla. Losing a sibling is so difficult. I lost my sister almost 11 years ago and it still brings me to tears.

  3. Catherine

    I can’t imagine losing a sibling, yet alone losing a loved one at a time like this. My heart goes out to you.

  4. Jodj

    Wow. This is beautiful , sad , truthful and powerful. Thank you. My heartfelt condolences to Kyla and her family.

  5. Norma

    Much Love and Blessings Kyla to you and your Family

  6. Kyla Brennan

    Thanks so much.

  7. Emily Hughes

    Oh my…I think I posted my comment in the wrong place? On my cell and had Bailey’s in my coffee. My apologies.

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