Shortly before turning 50, my world went dark. Wrapping up a 20 year career, I'd misplaced my purpose, and strayed from my path. So I did what any normal person…
Once upon a time, there was a Princess named Valerie who vowed never to wed. She was more intent on the glass ceiling than a glass slipper. One enchanted evening…
Written and photo by: Brittany Latham For the woman whose husband makes an "extra stop" after work every evening. For the woman who is mourning the loss of a pregnancy…
When I'm feeling blue, I cheer myself up by breaking into song. It turns out my voice is worse than my problems...until the cocktails kick in. In this lip sync…
I’m sorry I called you a gap-toothed bitch. It’s not your fault you’re gap-toothed… We recently spent a week in the desert with eight wild and wacky women. Days later,…
If you’re happy and you know it, thank your meds! Here's to the pause That overheats our bras Casually exposing our fangs and claws To reveal a cray that makes…
Scott’s doing very well since returning home from Scottsdale. We met with his oncologist in November and she was pleased with his CT scan results. Dr. Hao suggested Scott’s next…
We've all been guilty of an irreversible moment known as the tipping point. It hits hard-and-fast, and the dark side always wins. By the time you’re aware of an acute…