Even the raunchiest rock n’ roller will confess, jiving to The Bee Gees is a guilty pleasure. They put the ease in cheesy listening. People might poke fun, but who…
I’m halfway through this life of zen, Assuming I live to 110. My plan is 100, I’ve never had doubt, Before the final curtain, the ultimate chill out. Except for…
On Sep. 23, Val & Ken celebrate 22 years of wedded bliss (oxymoron). We’ve loved and hated. Fought and made up. Created life and mourned death. He’s seen the ice-queen…
In May, Lori’s husband Scott was diagnosed with tonsil cancer. Only one month later it was confirmed that the cancer had metastasized to his lungs. Instead of curling up in…
It’s no secret the sisters love their liquor, but wine is Numero Uno. You’d think after pilgrimages to Napa and the Okanagan we’d be experts by now, but we don’t…
How do you psych yourself up for Stampede when the thought of bejeweled jeans, lengthy lineups, and pungent port-a-potties turns your stomach? Last year, I kissed a horse and I…
Both Bono and Obama famously declared THE WORLD NEEDS MORE CANADA. We couldn’t agree more. On July 1, we celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday, yet the old broad doesn’t look a…
We grew up in a classic 50’s style household. Dad was the breadwinner, Mom was the stay-at-home wife. In those days, traditional roles were a helluva lot easier to decipher than…