
Knock, Knock, Knockin’ On Depression’s Door

What happened to me?
Did you have it all
But hit the wall
And didn’t even see it coming
What happens when you fall
How do you get back up
When you don’t even want to
Can you carry others with you
Or are you at your max
Can’t handle the load
Just need a break
It’ll come
But not in the big way you need it to
Lost the spark
Things have gone dark
Hear your name
But don’t feel like answering
Be aware
Of the small breath
That keeps your heart beating
And your feet moving
One step at a time
Don’t Allow
The defeat to swallow
Time’s up
No more wallow
The waves keep coming
Pulling you under
Swim faster
Paddle harder
It’s a new day

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  1. Danny Miller

    Have I got a project for you! Text me please.

  2. ken

    This is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Dawn Pighin

    Absolutely beautiful! xoxo

  4. Eleanor Leveille

    love love love this…. so very true…we all hurt …

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