In our early years, the running joke was if one of us left the marriage, you had to take the kids with you. The thought of single-parenting toddlers kept us…
Jobs I would be terrible at Hooker ✶ It would suck. Cab Driver ✶ If I wanted to pick up strangers in the night...see, hooker. Pharmacist ✶ One for you,…
These ladies of the 80’s are massive music lovers. The first time I heard Bon Jovi croon “It doesn’t make a difference if we’re naked or not,” I presumed he…
Dear Humanity, Mother Goose is on the loose, and she’s ready to kick some ass. Us mothers have been watching mankind take it from behind, and it’s clear y’all need…
What’s a girl to do when she’s single, vintage, and hasn’t dated in 30 years? Not only have we been living in a tomb, Mummy’s dating skills are downright archaic.…
It’s 1986 You strut into the airport 30 minutes before your International flight, Doc Martens tightly laced mid-calf, and two wide belts looped around the waist of your pastel jumpsuit.…