It’s 1986 You strut into the airport 30 minutes before your International flight, Doc Martens tightly laced mid-calf, and two wide belts looped around the waist of your pastel jumpsuit.…
Who has a dramatic flair for entering a room? 2022, that’s fucking who! Glacial temperatures colder than my mother-in-law’s kiss. Trains, planes, and automobile travel gone off the rails. The…
Shakespeare said a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. 2021 (2020’s ugly step-sister) looked like a dandelion and smelled like weed. As we bid adieu to yet…
I’m traditionally a diehard holiday fan, A full on fruitcake with a git ‘er done plan, But this year my spirit is Christmas crackered, I'm flat out tired and totally…
✴ Polish off the shrapnel inside your bra after binging a family size bag of chips. ✴ Inform your wife she sounds like her mother. ✴ Park your sparkly new…
To clarify, I’m not a runner. If you see me jogging, please kill whatever the fuck is chasing me! This week, the NYC marathon aired a story that warmed my…