When I was young and immortal, I presumed this bod would hold up from cradle to grave. However, our health scale teeters in a precarious balancing act. Often, the decades determine which way the needle points.
In my 20’s…
✫ I lived balls deep in mozza sticks, Bacardi Breezers, and Electric Ave. street meat.
✫ No repercussions for chowing down post-party pizza at midnight.
✫ Beer league baseball (heavy on the beer) was my sole form of exercise.
✫ Only needed a doctor for new birth control Rx.
✫ Wine gums were my vitamin of choice.
In my 30’s…
✫ Hovered over the kitchen sink scarfing down my kids leftovers.
✫ Looked forward to a Costco run, simply for the hotdog.
✫ Polished off the Pinot Grigio during afternoon playdates.
✫ Exercise was wrangling toddlers at tub time and tuck in.
✫ Grapevined my way through step aerobics and jazzercise.
✫ Doctor appointments were for babies, and postnatal follow ups.
✫ Folic acid was a gateway vitamin.
In your 40’s…it all changes
✫ Girl dinner is charcuterie paired with pinot noir.
✫ Once the kids were old enough, I’d sneak out to see Gym.
✫ Power lifted 3 lb. weights in the basement of my “home gym.”
✫ Introduction to inflammation, i.e. knee, ankle, shoulder.
✫ Monkey brain shifts into overdrive at 4:00 am.
✫ Mystery bruises Agatha Christie couldn’t solve.
✫ Mammograms served on a cold metal plate.
✫ Metabolism initiated a rebellion.
✫ Vitamin D helped bogart my brain cells.
In my 50’s-60’s…here we go
✫ Inhaling lines of protein powder off the kitchen counter.
✫ I scream, you scream, we all (stomach, intestines, and colon) scream for ice cream.
✫ Exercise and strength training have a complete reboot – motion is lotion.
✫ Crushing functional fitness (thanks Karen).
✫ Total ballers at pickleball and golf.
✫ Start to assemble a team of “ologists.” Marvel avengers like gyno, derm, and gastro.
✫ Spine pops like bubble wrap when I stretch.
✫ King sized pill sorter for vitamins and supplements.
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Is it true, you begin to look like you spouse, the longer you stay together?! And, I resemble this post. Thanks for the smile.
True that, we both have a sprinkling of facial hair!