Sangria Sisters

Top 10 Ways To Avoid Scarring Your Kids

Stone Cold Sober October

Contrary to popular belief, we don’t drink like fish. But when Doc asks how much wine per week, I’m caught...hook, line, and drinker. “Ummm, between 2 and 20,” I mutter.…

Birthday Girl Fun Facts

Val’s birthday is September 30th, and she’s known to weave her birthday week into a month long extravaganza. Here are some Sisterly fun facts: 1. This lovely Libra balances the…

Shit’s About To Go Down

Poop jokes aren’t my favourite, but they’re a solid No. 2 It seems everyone these days is wrestling with a gut reaction. Autoimmunes, allergies, anxiety, aging. We’re talking deep doo-doo.…

Fatherless Day

We’ve grinned and beared the last four Father’s Days (down a father), but this is a first for Abby. The painful year of firsts a daddy’s girl weathers after losing…

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