Why I’ll Never Have A Rock-Hard Body

Recipe for a Mother

Take one woman in the prime of her life. Add a dash of sperm. Fold in nausea and uncontrollable food cravings. Sprinkle in stretch marks, tender breasts, and swollen ankles.…

Depression Is Like Snow

Whenever a rip-roaring spring snow storm unhinges my mental health, I'm reminded of this hauntingly beautiful description of depression. We're rolling out the red carpet for Mental Health Week May…

Globetrotting Girls

Do I have to pay extra for my emotional baggage? I regularly get felt-up and patted-down at airport security. No dinner or drinks, just a nod and a grunt. Makes…

What’s Up Down There?

How come breasts are always the life of the party? The flashy showgirls who shake, shimmy, and ta-ta-tap their way into federal financing hearts. This week, the Canadian government allocated…

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