Shakespeare said a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. 2021 (2020’s ugly step-sister) looked like a dandelion and smelled like weed. As we bid adieu to yet…
I’m traditionally a diehard holiday fan, A full on fruitcake with a git ‘er done plan, But this year my spirit is Christmas crackered, I'm flat out tired and totally…
✴ Polish off the shrapnel inside your bra after binging a family size bag of chips. ✴ Inform your wife she sounds like her mother. ✴ Park your sparkly new…
To clarify, I’m not a runner. If you see me jogging, please kill whatever the fuck is chasing me! This week, the NYC marathon aired a story that warmed my…
Creeping it real with sarcastic Halloween costumes‼ ✫ A muffin top. ✫ Crepe paper. ✫ The old grey mare. ✫ Anything dehydrated. ✫ A diva in fishnet support stockings. ✫…
Last month, we lost one of our own. A pal since puberty surrendered his spirit after a five year battle with cancer. His death fired off a warning flare amongst…
Years ago, I stepped out of my comfort zone by submitting a story to a popular mommy blog. The piece was a heart and soul love letter to our firstborn…
After years of watching humanity implode, Mother Earth deserves a new moral code, Pandemics and politics up the wazoo, The other side shitting on your point of view. Like love…