Sisters tip: If you can’t achieve your New Year’s resolutions, lower your damn bar. As we hurtle into the roaring 20's and a squeaky clean slate, we present our Top…
With coal now too expensive for stockings, we thought you could use some hip, happenin’ alternatives. We present the Sisters annual favourite things…Sangria style! 1. Be Like Josh When I…
Break out the fat pants, the holidays are here. Other than a natural inclination to stuff the turkey with Prozac, here are our "Do’s and Don'ts" for being a good…
If it feels like a nasty uncle keeps rubbing his marble bag across humanity, you’re not alone. To quote rock legend April Wine, The Whole World’s Goin’ Crazy. We’re calling…
We come from a line of passive aggressives. Meltdowns are done inward and under our breath. Clipped words like fine and whatever dickwad announce that my bitch switch is flipped.…
Raising wild things without an owner’s manual is like trekking the safari on foot. By the time we realize it's our circus, we’ve unwittingly messed up our monkeys. It takes…
I don’t mind getting older, but my body is taking it badly. The word hack has multiple definitions; chop roughly, a harsh cough, how I play golf, and clever tips.…