In the average little house on the prairie:
🥶 Measure three weeks of bone-chilling weather
📉 Add continuous negative news feed
🤯 Grate in sporadic spousal irritation
🌥️ Reduce all traces of Vitamin D
💦 Rub dead skin cells with castor oil
⚡ Raise humidity until electrical shocks subside
💸 Bring heating costs to a boiling point
💓 Beat in rapid heart rate shovelling heavy snow
🤕 Crack two hips and an elbow over ice
🦠 Sift out cold and flu viruses
🧂 Sprinkle in salt and grit from unwashed car
🚙 Scrape off bumpers sliding through icy intersections
👚 Fold in same ol’ sweaters you’ve been wearing for months
🌚 Cover in perpetual darkness and simmer
☔ Let rise until May
🌅 Add in longer days
😎 Brown lightly in the sun
🪒 Trim bountiful bush hair
💪 Knead doughy winter body into shape
🌷 Garnish with daffodils, tulips, and irises
This recipe will expire in November, until we recreate it all over again!
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