As the sun sets on the most insignificant May long in history, the endless downtime softly strums you ain’t nothin' but a groundhog. Normally the shotgun start to summer shenanigans,…
Does your house have chronically low oxygen due to repetitive, dramatic sighs? Do you start every sentence with “Why do I have to do everything myself?” You just might be…
Are you shocked how the snail's [s]pace-time continuum suddenly picked up speed - launching us straight into MOTHER’S DAY? With no living humans or handbooks to guide us through post-pandemic…
If you ever wondered how you’d deal with a motherfuckin meltdown, now you know. In the past six weeks, your productivity has either shot through the roof or slunk to…
We get it, times are tough. Stripped of bare necessities like your brow guru, nail artist, hair hotshot, lash whiz, and derm illusionist, your glow has sunk to a new…
By now, most of us have jumped on the Zoom train, the interwebs newest party in a box. When basic human connection vanished without a trace, the Hollywood Squares version…
Is anyone else eating a week’s worth of snacks in one day? If not, me neither... One day normal life is the best thing since sliced bread, the next day…
Celebrations of love continue in the time of Corona. Wedding vows pledged privately, ceremonies postponed for a later date. But what happens when a loved one takes their last breath?…
1. No bra martial law. Now that the girls have been set free, they'll protest against the bonds of a knocker locker. 2. With zero chance of visitors, I’ve dropped…