Shortly before turning 50, my world went dark. Wrapping up a 20 year career, I'd misplaced my purpose, and strayed from my path. So I did what any normal person…
If you’re happy and you know it, thank your meds! Here's to the pause That overheats our bras Casually exposing our fangs and claws To reveal a cray that makes…
Scott’s doing very well since returning home from Scottsdale. We met with his oncologist in November and she was pleased with his CT scan results. Dr. Hao suggested Scott’s next…
At this ripe age, if her briefs match her bra, canoodling wasn’t his idea. Valentine's day used to be a laydown. An open-and-shut case of thumping thighs, cottontail style. Before…
It’s been a year since I didn’t become a better person. That’s 25 years running I haven’t come up with a new me. Every January we beat ourselves up for…
In May, Lori’s husband Scott was diagnosed with tonsil cancer. Only one month later it was confirmed that the cancer had metastasized to his lungs. Instead of curling up in…
Sometimes I swear like a MF trucker. No surprise there, but I’m caught off-guard when it’s directed at me. I call myself an idiot when I’m absent-minded. I’m a cow…
They say your memory is the first thing to… something, something. I suffer from CRS — Can’t Remember Shit. Everyday conversation is turning into a game of charades. “Oh, what’s…